admin 11. Dezember 2018

Enlarge / FCC Chairman Ajit Pai testifying at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on May 17, 2018 in Washington, DC. (credit: Getty Images | Win McNamee )

The Federal Communications Commission yesterday released broadband speed test data for the first time in two years, after ignoring months of inquiries about why the annual speed test reports hadn’t been released since Ajit Pai became chairman.

As we reported last month, the FCC’s Measuring Broadband Program hadn’t issued a new report since December 1, 2016.

Pai’s office ignored questions from Ars about the lack of new data, and his commission never provided documents in response to a public records request we made in August. But now, the FCC has released a draft of two Measuring Broadband America reports, one for 2017 and one for 2018.

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